Adderley Coffee Morning – Saturday 30th July.

By popular request the Adderley Coffee Morning takes place on the last Saturday in the month between 10:30 and 12:00 noon. We have coffee, cake and conversation all served with a smile! 

Come along, meet others and enjoy. Children are welcome. It’s just £2.00 for coffee/tea and cake.

Put the dates in your diary so you won’t forget:

  • Saturday 30th July (includes Bring & Buy Plant sale – see below.
  • Saturday 27th August
  • Saturday 24th September
  • Saturday 29th October
  • Saturday 26th November

Community Bring and Buy Plant and Produce Sale at 30th July Coffee Morning

Do you have any surplus plants or produce that you would like to donate towards the community bring and buy plant sale to he held at the Coffee Morning on 30th July? The sale will be held outside the village hall (weather permitting). Please bring your donations on the morning of the sale and stop to enjoy delicious coffee and cakes.

Everyone welcome, proceeded towards the village Community Fund.

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