Its going to be a Christmas like no other for many of us, but that doesn’t mean it has to be glum or dismal. In fact it may mean that families in Adderley have a little more time than usual to make our community feel Christmassy. With this in mind Adderley Parish Council and Adderley Village Hall are working together to bring some positive ideas and opportunities to the village. We hope that you will want to be involved in this to help spread some festive cheer safely in uncertain times.

Adderley for the first time, is going to have its own Christmas Tree on the village green lit up and decorated and, along with the Village Hall external decorations, this is going to create a wonderfully cheerful centrepiece in the village for everyone to enjoy.
“But where do I come in?” we hear you say! Well, we have noticed more and more homes are taking time and trouble to decorate and light up their houses at Christmas. We are hoping to take this a stage further and ask people to join in Lighting up the Village for Christmas. There are a number of ways you can get involved and we want to make it possible for as many people to take part without having to make huge investments in lights, or decorations.
- If you are willing and able to put festive lights up in your garden and on your house that would be amazing
- If lighting up the garden and house is not for you, and its not everyone who wants this, we wondered if you would consider taking part by creating a Window Wonderland in a front facing window instead? This can be as simple or complex as you wish from a few lights around the window, to a church window type display with coloured drawings, festive figures and paintings on the panes, to a lovely (safely) candlelit display perhaps with a Christmas wreath. In other words sharing whatever Christmas means to you. (ideas will be circulated for you to take inspiration from if this helps)
- A challenge to the children: Its half term, the children are itching for something to do, so, to start the ball rolling we are issuing a challenge for an Adderley Lights Up Poster to be designed by someone from Adderley Parish aged 11 and under. All entries will be displayed on the website suitably acknowledged, but the winner will be printed and displayed around the village for all to see. (Entry details and poster contents can be accessed here Adderley Lights Up Poster Competition)

We will have a Grand Switch On of the village lights on Friday 4th December at 7.30pm with a co-ordinated switch on and a map of the village with light displays marked (as we did for the Scarecrow Trail) so that everyone can safely walk around the village and view the lights at their leisure. We may have some sort of event around the Christmas Tree on the Green but Covid-19 may dictate whether this happens.
So, that’s the plan, and we are letting you know now so that you can start to think about whether you want to be involved in some way. Details will appear on the village website regularly, with links to ideas and more information but your ideas, feedback and suggestions are very welcome via the village Website and Adderley Village Facebook Page or AVH Facebook page.
Please share the information we put out as much as you can so we can be sure everyone, including those who are not online, can be involved. It would be great if you could ask neighbouring elderly or shielding households if they would like some help in taking part if they would wish to but don’t feel able to do this themselves.
Here’s to a very “illuminated” Christmas in Adderley!

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