We’ve cancelled the village coffee morning on Saturday 28th September for the very best of reasons!

We won’t be holding a coffee morning on 28th September for the very best reason.   And that is because Adderley School are holding a Macmillan Coffee Morning on Friday afternoon, the 27th September  3.15pm – 5.30pm in the village hall and they would really appreciate your support if you can make it.

Its a particularly poignant gesture to support someone associated with the school who has had a recent diagnosis, and it would be wonderful if you could support.   There will be cakes, raffle, good conversation and a chance to support this wonderful charity and our village school at the same time.

If you would like to make a donation of any kind, from cakes and raffle prizes to some money towards this good cause please contact Vicky Hankey on 07464198755 or you can click on the hashtag in the poster below which will enable you to make an electronic donation.  

We hope to see you there next Friday afternoon if you can.  

Harvest Celebration 7th October 2024

The Adderley Village Harvest celebration and auction of produce at the Village Hall.

Monday 7th October, 7pm for 7:30pm

Tickets  are Adults £12.50, primary school children £5

Contact Andrew 01630 657268 or Sheila 07709 980545 for tickets and to inform of dietary requirements.  

Advance tickets only, please book your place by Friday 4th October.

Proceeds in aid of St Peter’s Church


We Did Have A Summer

Adderley Church Header

Amid the cold and rain reminding us that winter is getting closer we have received a lovely reminder that we did actually have a summer this year. Submitted by Andrew Swindale and taken by Ben Wrathall two lovely pictures of Adderley Church when baling was underway in August 2024

Many thanks to both of them.

Garden Waste charges from 1 October

Householders wanting to have their garden waste bins emptied after 1
October 2024 need to subscribe to Shropshire Council’s garden waste

A 12-month subscription costs £56 per bin and will cover the period 1
October to 30 September. Garden waste collections will stop from 1
October 2024 for anyone that hasn’t subscribed by this date.

A payment window will be open until 31 March 2025. To subscribe and for more information about the service people should visit the Shropshire Council website at www.shropshire.gov.uk/gardenwaste.

Anyone unable to subscribe and pay online can call 0345 520 7007.

Those who subscribe to the service will be sent a special sticker to
attach to their garden bin, to show collection crews which bins to

Food Waste

From 1 October food waste collections will be suspended as councils
cannot charge for this service. Subscribers to the garden waste service
will no longer be able to put food waste in their garden bin.

However, all councils in England must introduce a weekly food waste
collections to all properties from 2026 and Shropshire Council will
introduce a new food waste collection service to all households from
that date.

Take note

Those who don’t subscribe are also asked not to put garden waste in your general waste bin as this is taken to our energy recovery facility, which can’t accept garden waste. General waste bins won’t be emptied if they contain garden waste.

Shropshire Council is facing unprecedented financial pressure. We must make significant savings in 2024/25 to keep a balanced budget and our plans include difficult decisions. We must look at other ways of creating income so that we can protect essential frontline services for those residents most in need.

Though the collection of garden waste is not a service that the council
must by law provide, it is one that we want to continue to provide. And
as not all residents need or want the service we’ll now be providing
this as an opt-in chargeable service to those who need or want it.

Some 80% of English councils already charge for garden waste
collections, and many have been doing so for several years. An annual
green waste subscription charge of £56 is in line with our neighbouring

More information is available on the Shropshire Council website at

If you have any questions on this, please email wastemanagement@shropshire.gov.uk.

Calverhall Alms-houses, Near Whitchurch, Shropshire.

The Trustees currently have a one bedroom terrace cottage available. The cottage comprises a sitting room, kitchen, bathroom with toilet and walk-in shower as well as a small front garden.

Applicants need to be able to live independently, be retired or nearing retirement and require financial support for accommodation. Preference will be given to those from the parishes of Calverhall and Ightfield or of the immediate neighbourhood.

We have a no pet and a no smoking policy.

For further information or to request an application form please contact Nichola Peers by email on nichola@sacemltd.co.uk

Wow Adderley!

Adderley shines yet again. The results of the referendum on the Neighbourhood Plan are in and wow what a result!

The official notification is below but the results are outstanding. While a 22% turnout might not seem a great deal for a Neighbourhood Plan referendum it’s amazing. Well done to Adderley, Moreton Say and Norton In Hales. The 94% in favour means that Shropshire Council should declare the plan “Made” and it becomes law.

A huge thank you to everybody who took time out of their day to vote. A further thank you to all of the people who volunteered their time and braved the pandemic over the years to get to this point.

What a lovely busy Coffee Morning

How lovely to see so many people at the coffee morning today.  We sold out of cake and nearly demolished all the Tiffin as well!   Lots of lovely people, lovely conversations and a lovely atmosphere. So nice to welcome new faces too.  £75 profit towards village hall funds.   

A few pics below.  Don’t forget no Coffee Morning in August but we are back again in September – last Saturday in the month so pop it in your diaries and we will try to persuade Ruth to make some more of that Tiffin soon!  

End of the month? – Must be Coffee time!

Coffee Morning Header

Yes, its already here and we have some gorgeous cakes for you, good company, coffee, tea and time.  What more could you want?   So 10.30 tomorrow, Saturday, in the village hall.  See you there.  Psst – just heard there may be Tiffin……..

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