Adderley School ‘Outstanding’ Ofsted results 2024

The recent Ofsted inspection on 11th and 12th June has given the school ‘outstanding’.

The summary of the report is below, for more information see the link to the school’s web site.

Pupils flourish at this inclusive and nurturing school. Staff have created a caring and supportive environment where everyone is respected. Relationships between staff and pupils are highly positive.

Staff are united in their ambition for every pupil to achieve their full potential. Pupils make strong progress as a result of the well-planned curriculum and high-quality, personalised teaching. Pupils remember what they have been taught in past years and talk about current learning with enthusiasm and interest.

Pupils’ behaviour and attitudes are excellent. They are respectful, well mannered and polite. Pupils enjoy their learning and are proud of their school. They know that adults listen to their concerns and help them. There is a strong sense of belonging and togetherness. This is demonstrated in the genuine care pupils show towards each other.

Pupils take part in a range of inclusive extra-curricular activities, including fencing, archery and ultimate frisbee. They are enthusiastic to take on jobs that require them to help others, such as play leaders. Parents are very positive about the school and value the school’s proactive approach in supporting every pupil to be the best that they can be.

Link to the full report on Adderley School web site.

Adderley School
Adderley School

Adderley Tots Forest Fun Morning

Adderley Tots – stay & play will be held at Adderley Primary school on Wednesday 25th October. 

Adderley Primary are kindly hosting the group at the school for forest fun. 

Anyone wishing to join in must book via the booking link on the event details on Facebook. Further information are listed under the event details. 

The session is suitable for confident walkers and babes in arms. 

*If you wish to take part please book no later than Friday 20th October to secure your place. (Places MUST be pre-booked otherwise you will not be able to take participate).

Santa Paid Us A Visit

Santa and Mrs Claus

Well! Santa and Mrs Claus paid Adderley a visit on Friday night. He brought the elves and they looked at the lights and the lovely tree then he came and talked to the children. It was a memorable evening.

This year we had Pizzas from Mortzarella (they were very good) and there were all sorts of things for the children to do in the Village Hall provided by St Peter’s School and Adderley Tots Stay and Play.

The volunteers worked very hard and a lovely time was had by all.

Santa Visits Adderley

Don’t Forget Your Christmas Wreath Boxes

Illustration by Genevieve Alkureshi

Christmas is definitely not cancelled! Not in Adderley it isn’t. Why not add to the Christmas spirit with a home made wreath? Adderley School is selling wreath making boxes which contain everything you need to make your own wreath to decorate your wall, to put on your door or even give to a family member, a neighbour or friend. 

Click on the link for details and remember you only have until this Friday to get your wreath making box. All profits to the school.

Christmas Wreath making opportunity in Adderley!


Christmas Wreath making opportunity in Adderley!

Snowflake Banner

Adderley School have come up with a wonderful seasonal fundraising idea which will mean you can deck your door with a beautiful home-made wreath whilst raising some much needed funds for Adderley School.  A win/win situation we think!

There are two options on offer, and both will give you an amazing home-made wreath that you can hang with pride on your door for all to admire.

Option One:  A ring with all the greenery already in place, and supplied with a range of dried fruit, fir cones, feathers and a bow for you to attach as you wish to the ready greened ring

Option Two: A plain ring will be supplied along with the greenery but you can attach this yourself in whatever combination you prefer.  Florists wire will be provided as well as the fruit, fir cones, feathers and bow for you to add yourself when you have made your ring.

Both options will be delivered to your door in a box along with written instructions and guidance on how to construct your wreath  A ‘how to’ video can be supplied on request demonstrating how to build your wreath.

The cost is £30 per box and these can be delivered to your door, or to a pick up point in the village if you prefer.

Payment with order prior to delivery and orders must be received by 15th November to give the florist time to make up the boxes prior to delivery at the end of November.  

To place your order please contact Carolyn by email: or her mobile 07904190274  Please include your name, address a contact number and confirm your payment method.  

Payment with order £30 to Friends of Adderley School (Cheques) or cash in an envelope with your details for contact for delivery.  

by BACS: Sort Code 20-08-64    Acc No 03201325 

School Bonfire Night

Sunday saw parents and children gather for hot dogs, burgers and fireworks at Adderley Village Hall. There were stalls in the room and the bottle stall raised £90 for the Village hall.

Pictures by Marius Coulon

Road Repairs Outside The School

Road repairs outside Adderley School were finally completed on Tuesday morning. After a couple of hours of confused traffic re-routing Cllr Keith Mycock went out to record the moment.

Everybody is pleased. Cllr Mycock has pointed out that another metre of repairs would have captured that final pot hole: but hey ho that’s for another day.  😉