Come and Celebrate St Peter’s Day.

St Peter's Church across fields

Sunday 2nd July at St Peter’s Church Adderley when the bell will be rung.

See the heritage and hear the story.

Win a prize with St Peter’s Quiz

The Church will be open from 10.30 am until 4 pm.

 Cream Teas with tea/coffee plus Nibbles with Wine will be available.

Puddings Galore!

If you weren’t there you missed a treat! Actually you missed a number of treats, all of them excellent. What a great night! Personally I tired: Banoffee, Bakewell Tart with just a little fruit compote. Then I had Roulade and some Chocolate Pudding with just a few fresh berries (for health reasons). Not daunted I polished off the evening with fresh cream meringues and some more of those healthy berries (yum).

All was washed down with Prosecco in a glass that was mysteriously never empty and great conversation. What is not to like. 

If you didn’t manage to get to this one we suggest that you definitely watch out for the next one this is a must do event for pudding lovers.

A Little Festive Ooops!

Entrance to St Peter's Church

There is a little Ooops in the Church Magazine on the centre services page which gives the start time for the Christmas Eve Carol Service at St Peter’s Adderley as 6:00 pm. It’s actually at 7:00 pm.

Always a popular event in the church with a full house. Everybody is welcome for the 7 lessons and carols and there will be mince pies and mulled wine afterwards. We look forwards to seeing you there.

No Carols Again This Year

Entrance to St Peter's Church

Given the news about the extreme spread of the Omicron variant of Covid after a lot of thought and consideration we have regretfully decided not to go ahead with Carols around the Christmas Tree on Monday. Thank you to everyone who voted.

Also we have been asked to let you know that the Christmas Eve Carol Service at St Peter’s Church has also been cancelled.

We’re all sorry to have this news as the Carols around the village and at St Peters are an important part of Adderley at Christmas plus both are big fund raisers. But better be safe and enjoy time with your families.

Musical Evening At St Peters

A musical evening, including cheese and wine, was held in the closed off east end of St Peter’s Church on the 1st of September. To a full house the “MicWire” Choir and soloists entertained us with an excellent programme. The choir was exuberant, energetic and very entertaining with an enjoyable repertoire of Pop, Soul and Motown Classics with a finale of Salve Regina (Holy Holy Queen). They were ably and enthusiastically conducted by Kate Cubley and Grace Courtney and our thanks go to them and all the choir members for coming to us in Adderley, some from as far away as Liverpool.

At the interval wine and cheese were handed round and not just your “usual” piece of cheese on a biscuit but an array of wonderful cheese nibbles on different breads, biscuits & pastries and many varieties of cheese. A big thank you to Priscilla Parsons, Jackey Tydeman and Sheila Greetham for all the bits, wine and organisation. The church was decorated with lovely flowers kindly grown and given and arranged by church members. A very well received vote of thanks was given by Chris Lewis and a good night was had by all.