Temporary Closure A529

Diversion Sign header

ROAD CLOSURE: A529 Adderley (Swanbatch Bridge)

START DATE: 10th March 2025

END DATE: 13th March 2025

PURPOSE: Replace/repair vehicle safety barrier and A529 speed limit works. Bridge Closure will be 24/7 due to the safety barrier being removed.

WORKS PROMOTER:  Kier for Shropshire Council



 From Monday to Friday 00:00 – 23:59

You can view the closure and diversion route by clicking here:


Should you have any queries regarding this closure, please call Customer

Services on 0345 6789006, or contact the Street Works Team on streetworks@shropshire.gov.uk.

Where is the work?

We will be undertaking this work with a road closure of A529 From Adderley To Cheshire County Boundary, Adderley (Swanbatch Bridge). See map below. Please note access/egress for properties within the closure will be maintained when safe to do so.

When will this work take place?

This work will take place from Monday 10th March to Thursday 13th March under a 24hr Closure – No access at all times.

Please note that all our planned roadworks are subject to change due to weather conditions or unforeseen circumstances. Any changes will be displayed on the yellow advanced warning signs and on https://one.network/

How will this affect traffic?

Signs will be erected in the road before starting the work and the work will be completed as quickly as possible. A signed diversion route will be in place as per map below.

Will there be access to my property/business?

Yes, if you are looking to access a property or business, we will provide access for you.

We will have staff on site who are able to assist with access. Our priority is to keep you and our staff safe, this means that there may be a bit of a wait while we make the site safe for you to travel through the closure or direct you to another entry point.

During the work, access to the works area will be restricted to Pedestrians, dismounted cyclists and equestrians

Oh dear, Oh Dear. Is it you?

Yes, YOU.  Are you the irresponsible dog owners who walk down  Rectory Lane and let your dog poo outside residents homes?

Such a shame that you feel its ok to live in, or visit our lovely village to walk your dogs, but don’t see the need to pick up after them.   

It is an offence, and if you continue to do this, you will be reported to the dog warden. 

So be a sport, and buy some poo bags and start using them and the dog poo bins around the village.   The bags don’t cost much but they contribute a huge amount to the goodwill dog owners can expect if they respect others in their community. 



Coffee Morning? So Soon?

We’re with you on this one.  Where did the month go? 

Yes, tomorrow  22nd February is the monthly coffee morning in the village hall.  10.30 – 12 and we promise a warm welcome, delicious cake (rumour has it there will be a whisky slab cake amongst other delicious offerings………) plus good company, great conversation and the standard very warm welcome. 

Whether you are a regular, or thinking of trying us out, we promise you won’t be disappointed.   Bring a neighbour, relative or friend – sometimes its hard to come to something on your own, so if you know someone who may need abit of company please invite them.  

Come on down – it will be lovely to see you!

Important Information From Shropshire Council Re: Avian Influenza

Avian Influenza Poster

Due to the increase in cases across England and the outbreak of Highly

Pathogenic Avian Influenza in Shropshire, APHA has introduced MANDATORY

HOUSING MEASURES in Shropshire from Monday the 27th of January.

This means that all bird keepers in Shropshire must keep their birds

housed until the housing measures are lifted. This applies to poultry

and other birds kept in captivity including chickens, ducks, geese, and

other exotic captive birds.

See more on GOV.UK:


For guidance on housing your birds safely, see here:


Dog Poo ……. Not a nice subject or a nice thing to step in

Yes, its one of those things that we all hate and sadly one of those things that we are finding around the village again.  So to help those of you that don’t want to accidentally step in it, and to draw the attention of those dog owners who feel its ok not to pick it up, we have started highlighting the offending items with fluorescent paint (see image below).

Its not nice, or neighbourly to not pick it up and it upsets people who take care to clear up after their dog to know that others don’t.  Please carry poo bags when you walk your dog and dispose in the bins provided.  Thank you.