Make a difference and join the Parish Council

Adderely residents are encouraged to consider Making a Difference.

Shropshire residents are being encouraged to consider making a difference and stand to become a parish councillor in their local community as nominations open for this year’s parish elections on 1st May.  For details of the council elections see the separate news post.

Are you passionate about your local community? Do you want to contribute to its future, help shape decisions, and make a positive impact? Becoming a parish councillor is your chance to make a difference in your village or town.

On May 1st Shropshire votes to elect its parish and town councils for the next four years. There is a parish or town council in every community across Shropshire. Our Councils are at the heart of your local community and despite the challenging times, do some great work.

Parish councils are the first tier of local government here in Shropshire and provide an important voice for communities. As a parish councillor, you’ll have the opportunity to represent the needs and aspirations of residents, tackle local issues, and work on projects that truly make a difference. From improving community facilities to addressing environmental concerns, councillors are at the forefront of making their communities better places to live, work, and visit.

Together, let’s build a stronger, more vibrant community. Take the first step today and become a parish councillor—because your voice matters, go on make a difference in your local community!

What Do Parish Councillors Do?

  • Represent residents’ views and make decisions on their behalf.
  • Influence changes and developments in the local area.
  • Support initiatives that enhance the well-being of the community.
  • Manage budgets for local services and projects.
  • Collaborate with local organisations, councils, and groups to address issues.

Who Can Become a Parish Councillor?

You don’t need special qualifications—just a genuine passion for your community and a willingness to learn. Parish councils’ welcome people from diverse backgrounds and experiences. If you care about your community and want to make a difference, you have what it takes to be a councillor.

Why Should You Consider It?

Being a parish councillor is an incredibly rewarding experience. Not only will you gain valuable skills such as teamwork, leadership, and problem-solving, but you’ll also leave a lasting legacy in your community. It’s your chance to bring your ideas to life, address pressing local concerns, and work collaboratively with others who share your vision.

How to Get Involved

Nominations for the Shropshire parish council elections are now open. If you’re interested in standing as a candidate or learning more about the role, contact your local parish or town council, visit the Shropshire Association of Local Council’s website or  Shropshire Council’s website Local Elections 2025

Details of the election on 1st May are in a separate news post.

For further comment or information, please contact Councillor Ray Wickson on 07701312547.

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Village Hal


Chairman: Councillor Marius D Coulon TD, MCGI, MIOD, MCMI, MBICSc 


On Wednesday 17th December 2015 the Adderley Parish Council held its most recent meeting.

This was preceded by a photo shoot of the Councillors and Clerk for Shropshire Council to launch the new Fibre Optic Broad Band that went live in Adderley on Thursday 18th December 2015.

After the photographs they got down to business and the first subject was that of broadband and the announcement, applauded by all, that Adderley would go live with fibre optics the next morning, this being after years of badgering the Council and maintaining pressure on the suppliers, it was agreed that this was a resounding success and thanked Shropshire Council for taking up our case.

Discussion was then held on the “Neighbourhood Watch Scheme” and that despite everyone having had a leaflet delivered to their door and the offer from the Parish Council to pay for the first two years membership, only 10 people had actually signed up. It was decided to further promote it on the Village web site and hope more sign up over Christmas.

Concerns were then discussed with regard to the Children’s playground surface and the clerk was asked to chase “Wicksteads” for their report so that the situation could be resolved and the surface repaired.

The Parish Plan was discussed and was agreed, this will now be published and put onto the web site for all to see. Cllrs Tydeman and Cornwall were thanked for their work on this.

We were pleased to confirm that the new village website was up and running at “” and are looking to stakeholders for content for their various pages.

It was agreed that we need to get three quotes for the hedge/grass cutting in the village as this had not been undertaken for a number of years, the Clerk will approach a number of companies to get these and a decision with regard to a supplier will be made at the next meeting.

It was requested that the Clerk contact The Highways Department with regard to the state of the Norton in Hales road and the fact that the edges needed to be repaired as cars are now in fear of getting stuck if they leave the road onto the verge.

A number of invoices were agreed and paid and it was agreed to keep the size of next year’s Precept the same as this years.

Cllr Tydeman then asked that two items be added to next meeting’s Agenda. These being the purchase of a new fuel tank for the Village Hall as the old one needs to be moved and no longer complies with present legislation.  Also the purchase of a defibrillator and the training of some staff on it.

This concluded the meeting. The Chairman wished all councillors a Happy Christmas and the meeting ended.


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