A New Village Hall for Adderley Can You Help?

At the Village Meeting on 30th May 2018 it was decided that rather than refurbish the Village Hall and Bowling Pavilion, we should erect a new combined building on the site of the existing Bowling Pavilion. A Building Sub Group of the Adderley Village Hall Committee was formed from volunteers present on the night.

The Sub Group, under the Chairmanship of Jim Faulkner, is made up of those who have lived in the village for most of their lives as well as newcomers. There is also quite a wide age span and skill set.

First, we have to establish whether Planning Permission may be granted for a new building and if Funding might be available. Do you have expertise in either of these areas? If so, and you would like to help we would love to hear from you.

Contact Jim Faulkner – Email: jimdfaul@gmail.com or Jane Rushton, the Sub Group Secretary – Email: jane.rushton@live.co.uk.

We will publish the minutes of our meetings on this web site

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