Annual Parish Meeting

You are invited to this year’s ADDERLEY ANNUAL PARISH MEETING which is being held virtually via a Zoom Webinar on WEDNESDAY 21st April 2021 starting at 7.30 pm

An opportunity to be involved in and updated about:

  • A529 Road Improvements & Speed Concerns Group
  • Three Parish Neighbourhood Plan
  • Neighbourhood Watch Scheme & Smart Water Project

All residents welcome to this meeting about your Parish.

Because of pandemic restrictions we cannot meet in the village hall so we are holding this year’s parish meeting virtually. You can use the link below to join the meeting. 

Please click the link below to join the webinar:
Passcode: 810099

Please ensure that when you join the meeting your video should be turned off and your microphone on mute.

At the bottom of the screen you should see a questions icon. Click this and you will be able to submit questions when requested.

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