Annual Parish Meeting

You are cordially invited to the Annual Parish Meeting to be held by your Parish Council on 13th April 2022 at Adderley Village Hall starting at 7.30pm.

The Annual Parish Meeting sounds rather formal BUT it’s an opportunity to hear about activities promoted by the Parish Council and to have your say on matters that interest you. There’s an opportunity to meet other parishioners and to relax over a cup of tea or coffee.

There’s a lot going on in Adderley.

Topics to be covered are:
Chairman’s Welcome and opening remarks Cllr Marius Coulon
Minutes of last meeting (21st April 2021)Jane Evans – Clerk
Matter arising from meeting Jane Evans – Clerk
Unitary Cllrs reportCllr Paul Wynne – Shropshire Unitary Councillor
Update on Speed awareness and the A529Cllr Iain Wilson
Update on The Three Parishes PlanCllr Paul Nash
Neighbourhood Watch UpdateCllr Nick Evans
The Heritage Project CllrPaul Nash
Jubilee CelebrationsCllr Louise Downley
Children’s playground reportCllr Paul Shepley
The new recycling bin (have you booked yours)Cllr  Marius coulon
Annual Parish Meeting Agenda

Come and hear about what’s happening in Adderley Parish and take the opportunity to have your say. Tea and coffee available from 7:00  pm

You can download the flyer below.

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