On 8th November there will be a Remembrance Service at St Peter’s Church Adderley. Start time 6:30 pm. There will be a bugle call and a representative from the Royal Irish Regiment. Please attend if you can to mark this important occasion.
Remember, Remember – It’s Bonfire Time!
The Results Are In!
A BIG thank you to everybody who contributed to the Village Hall questionnaire. The results are below and curry nights, parties, cheese and wine and film nights were the most popular suggestions with plant sales, Italian evenings and quiz nights close behind.
There were also some excellent suggestions from people in the village such as something social for younger people, family evenings with activities for younger children and an under 16’s disco.
Other suggestions included live Jazz, occasional courses such as Christmas wreath making and courses in yoga or tai chi in the evenings.
There were also a number of offers of help and the village hall social committee will be in touch.
What next? We have the quiz and Curry Night on the 24th and tickets for the New Year’s Eve party are now on sale (and going fast). The committee will be meeting in November to start thinking about a programme for 2016.
You can see the full set of results here:
Road Closures
There are a number of road closures due which will require lengthy diversions. details as follows:
1. 19th October for 5 weeks. The Adderley Road into Market Drayton is being resurfaced. The official diversion is via Whitchurch.
2. 25th October for 5 days. Cheshire Road Market Drayton. This will mean diversions to get to the shops and into the town centre.
3. 29th October for 2 days. Crossroads, Greenbank to Room Farm junction. This is to allow for investigations into the drainage on the Norton in Hales Road near to the sewage station.
Details of the Adderley Road and Greenbank Crossroads detours are below:
Curry & Quiz Night
Curry & Quiz Night
Adderley Village Hall
Saturday 24th October 2015
7pm for 7.30pm start
ÂŁ2 per ticket prizes
Vote for your favourite photographs as well
It’s Time to Submit Those Pics
Remember this?
ÂŁ50 Prize for an Adderley Photograph
Well it’s time to pick your winners and submit your photographs. Judging will take place on Saturday 24th October and Sunday 25th October by public vote. So now is the time to look back at all those instant camera and mobile phone pics of your favourite Adderley moments from 2015 and sent them to:
If you would prefer to submit a print then your prints need to be handed in at the Village Hall between 10:00 am and 1:00 pm on Saturday 24th October.
The top 12 images will go forwards to the 2016 calendar and the lucky winner of the prize sponsored by Green Cleen will see their image on the front page.
So check your seasons’ images and put them up for the prize.

Back to School Celebration – Friday 11th September
The Children of Adderley School invite you to join their Back to School Celebration.
Date: Friday 11th September
Time: 3:30 pm
Place: Village Hall
Free entry – all welcome. Any cake or party food donations welcome.
See more on the Adderley Village Facebook Page Visitor Posts or contact friendsofadderley@gmail.com
Adderley Parish Council Meeting: Wednesday 2nd September
The Parish Council will be meeting at the Village Hall on Wednesday at 7:30. Details of the agenda can be found here: Parish Council Documents 2015
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