Adderley shines yet again. The results of the referendum on the Neighbourhood Plan are in and wow what a result!
The official notification is below but the results are outstanding. While a 22% turnout might not seem a great deal for a Neighbourhood Plan referendum it’s amazing. Well done to Adderley, Moreton Say and Norton In Hales. The 94% in favour means that Shropshire Council should declare the plan “Made” and it becomes law.
A huge thank you to everybody who took time out of their day to vote. A further thank you to all of the people who volunteered their time and braved the pandemic over the years to get to this point.
This is an appeal to everybody to take 10 minutes out of their day on Thursday to go to the village hall and vote in the referendum . We are hoping for as many people as possible to vote in what is a significant decision for planning laws in the next 10 years.
You are being asked to answer a simple Yes / No question:
The referendum will ask a single question:
‘Do you want Shropshire Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan for Adderley, Moreton Say and Norton in Hales to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?’
Residents should have received their poll cards in the post this week for the referendum on the neighbourhood plan. July 25th at the Village Hall. The referendum will also take place in Norton In Hales and Moreton Say.
It’s important that you turn out and vote because the neighbourhood plan is an important document for all three communities as it sets out in law the local planning rules for the next 10 years. These rules have been arrived at after consultations with residents over the last 5 years (2 years were taken up with the pandemic). The neighbourhood plan steering group was made up of residents from the three parishes, not just parish councillors, so it’s a plan which comes out of local views.
The referendum will ask a single question:
‘Do you want Shropshire Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan for Adderley,
Moreton Say and Norton in Hales to help it decide planning applications in the
neighbourhood area?’
You will be asked to answer YES or NO it’s as simple as that.
We hope that as many people as possible will turn out on the 25th and vote on this important issue.
You can see the Regulation 14 submission (the final version of the plan pre inspection) by clicking the link below:
The post box is in place at the Book Shelter for any last minute hard copy responses to the Regulation 14 Neighbourhood Plan document. Don’t forget this is the last chance to propose changes.
You have until January 9th to submit any responses to the latest version of the Neighbourhood Plan. This is your last chance to submit any proposals for changes before it goes off to Shropshire Council for full public consultation.
You can submit a response online by going to the Three Parishes Neighbourhood Plan website:
You can drop your response in at the Village Hall or put it into the postbox at Willow Lodge in Green Bank. Alternatively there will be a post box in the Book Shelter at the corner of Rectory Lane.
You can see a full copy of the Regulation 14 version of the plan here:
We’re starting to get the results of The Big Questions survey which is part of the Three Parishes Neighbourhood Plan. We managed to get a 20% response to the survey which, considering that we were in lockdown, wasn’t bad.
The results from the data collected can be read by clicking on the link below. There will be more information up and coming when we have finished working our way through the many dozens of comments that came from people who completed the questionnaire. Those will be available very soon.
The Three Parishes Neighbourhood Plan that’s what! Back last summer when we had our last Village Meeting we went through the initial results of the open forums and we said then that there would be a relatively quiet period whilst we undertook some data gathering. Well that’s just what we did, and there was a lot of data.
We are about to finalise the big questionnaire which will go to every household in the three parishes. It’s important that we get as many people as possible to fill that in. We will continue to update you as the day for getting the questionaire out to you gets closer but right now we’re looking at the end of March, early April.
Before then we will be giving you regular updates via the village Facebook Page and the Parish website. We will also be having a village meeting to update you on the Neighbourhood Plan and developments on the A529 and all of the other things that have engaged the Parish Council over the last twelve months. In the meantime you can keep up to date by going to the Three Parishes Neighbourhood Plan website and while you’re there you can see some of the maps and data that we have been sent by going to the “Documents” tab; it’s all interesting stuff. For those of you who like such things all of the notes of the meetings we have held over the year are published on the “Minutes” tab.
The Three Parishes Neighbourhood Plan website is updated regularly by Geoff in Moreton Say and new updates are flagged on the Adderley Parish website on the right hand side where it says “3 Parishes Neighbourhood Plan” just under the link to our Facebook Page.
Don’t forget that we have two Neighbourhood Plan open forum sessions Wednesday 13th March.
One in the afternoon at 2:00 where you are welcome to join us for tea and coffee and to peruse the technical maps as well as ask questions that we can put to the experts.
Then there is one at 8:00 Wednesday night where you can meet the planning experts who are supporting the Neighbourhood Plan process. We will have the technical maps and you can ask questions directly. An opportunity for those who cannot come to the night time events. Why not bring a friend?
Tea and coffee will be served and the bar will be open. Everybody welcome, make sure you tell friends and neighbours.
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