The Three Parishes Neighbourhood Plan that’s what! Back last summer when we had our last Village Meeting we went through the initial results of the open forums and we said then that there would be a relatively quiet period whilst we undertook some data gathering. Well that’s just what we did, and there was a lot of data.
We are about to finalise the big questionnaire which will go to every household in the three parishes. It’s important that we get as many people as possible to fill that in. We will continue to update you as the day for getting the questionaire out to you gets closer but right now we’re looking at the end of March, early April.
Before then we will be giving you regular updates via the village Facebook Page and the Parish website. We will also be having a village meeting to update you on the Neighbourhood Plan and developments on the A529 and all of the other things that have engaged the Parish Council over the last twelve months. In the meantime you can keep up to date by going to the Three Parishes Neighbourhood Plan website and while you’re there you can see some of the maps and data that we have been sent by going to the “Documents” tab; it’s all interesting stuff. For those of you who like such things all of the notes of the meetings we have held over the year are published on the “Minutes” tab.
The Three Parishes Neighbourhood Plan website is updated regularly by Geoff in Moreton Say and new updates are flagged on the Adderley Parish website on the right hand side where it says “3 Parishes Neighbourhood Plan” just under the link to our Facebook Page.