Annual Parish Meeting

You are invited to this year’s ADDERLEY ANNUAL PARISH MEETING which is being held virtually via a Zoom Webinar on WEDNESDAY 21st April 2021 starting at 7.30 pm

An opportunity to be involved in and updated about:

  • A529 Road Improvements & Speed Concerns Group
  • Three Parish Neighbourhood Plan
  • Neighbourhood Watch Scheme & Smart Water Project

All residents welcome to this meeting about your Parish.

Because of pandemic restrictions we cannot meet in the village hall so we are holding this year’s parish meeting virtually. You can use the link below to join the meeting. 

Please click the link below to join the webinar:
Passcode: 810099

Please ensure that when you join the meeting your video should be turned off and your microphone on mute.

At the bottom of the screen you should see a questions icon. Click this and you will be able to submit questions when requested.

Become A Parish Councillor

Another chance to join the presentation on becoming a Parish Councillor this Friday on Zoom.

There is an election on May 6th and our current Parish Council has two vacancies. We’re losing a female councillor and we would like to see applications from female members of the Parish. 

Meetings are roughly once a month and they last approximately 90 minutes. There’s a little bit of reading but beyond that the amount of time you give is your choice. You can take advantage of Councillor training if you wish and that takes place in Shrewsbury when we aren’t locked down.

Link to the poster for the presentation is below. Please give this some thought we would love to see you volunteer for this worthwhile role in the Parish.


Did You Get Your Smartwater?

West Mercia Police
Smartwater Kit

Smartwater kits have been arriving through letterboxes since Friday. Please read the letter carefully. These Smartwater kits have been pre-registered you don’t have to do anything except mark your valuables and put a sticker in the window.

Not received yours yet? Give it a day or two then if it still hasn’t arrived get in touch with the Parish Council using the contact form on

Not sure what to do next? Watch the video from Cllr Wilson:

Keeping Your Home Safe With Smartwater

Ever Wanted To Be A Parish Councillor?

Village Hal

There are local elections due in May and this year there are two vacancies on the Parish Council. The role of a Parish Councillor is entirely voluntary and it’s a great way to give back to the community. It’s not onerous: meetings are roughly once a month on an evening. Out of lockdown they take place at the village hall. Meetings last about 90 minutes and we have the benefit of a Parish Clerk who makes sure we keep to the rules. There is some training available if you want it and that takes place in Shrewsbury when we’re not in lockdown. It takes about half a day.

Still not sure? The National Association of Local Councils are holding a short online event on Tuesday 2 March 2021 — 18:00 – 19:00

“Join viral sensation, Jackie Weaver, and a group of community heroes to discuss getting involved with your local (parish and town) council. Are you passionate about your community? Do you want to help make a long-lasting change? Do you have concerns about a specific issue and want to do something about it? This event will tell you what you need to know about local councils, and what they do, the role of a councillor and how to become one.

Speakers: Cllr Emily Benner, Croxley Green Parish Council, Cllr Rachael Pearson, Denmead Parish Council, Cllr Dan Thomas, mayor of Much Wenlock Town Council and Jackie Weaver, chief officer at the Cheshire Association of Local Councils

Host: Matt Chorley, presenter for Times Radio and Saturday columnist for The Times

NB: This event is part of NALC’s Make A Change campaign to encourage more people from all backgrounds and experiences who are undiscovered community heroes to put themselves forward for election.” 

You need to register for the event (just one click) the details are at the link below.

‘Make A Change, Become a Councillor’

Keeping Your Home Safe With Smartwater

West Mercia Police

In cooperation with West Mercia Police and “We Don’t Buy Crime” Adderley Parish Council has arranged for every home in the parish to receive a Smartwater pack. Smartwater allows you to uniquely mark the items of value in your home and statistics show that a home protected by Smartwater is much less likely to be the victim of a burglary.

See the following video by Cllr Iain Wilson which will explain more:

Saying Au Revoir To Postie Pete

Pete Blasè has been Postman to Adderley Village for over 25 years. He’s now taking a well deserved retirement though he tells us that he’s not going to be idle but out and about doing things.

We managed to catch him on his last round in the village and we presented him with cards and a small token of appreciation from the Parish Council.

I’m sure we all wish him the very best.


Paul Nash Giving Peter Blasè His Thank You Cards