It sounds horribly formal but it’s not. We’re finally approaching the end of the Neighbourhood Plan process and the aforementioned Regulation 14 is the very last chance to make changes.
We’ve made a shortened version of the main document with all of the new planning rules set out. There are only 12 of them. A copy of the short version has gone to every house in Adderley Parish and we’re asking you to comment on any of the new proposed planning rules that you feel are important to you. That might be one or two of them or all of them but it’s very important that you do comment. If you want to read the full version of the Regulation 14 Neighbourhood Plan there are copies in the book shelter in Rectory Lane or you can download a copy from here:
You can comment on the enclosed form and put it in the postbox at the book shelter in Rectory Lane or you can post it at the Village Hall. Alternatively you can comment on line using the form that can be found here:
You have until January 9th to make your comments. If you want to have a look at the full Neighbourhood Plan then we have left copies at the book shelter on Rectory Lane.