Residents should have received their poll cards in the post this week for the referendum on the neighbourhood plan. July 25th at the Village Hall. The referendum will also take place in Norton In Hales and Moreton Say.

It’s important that you turn out and vote because the neighbourhood plan is an important document for all three communities as it sets out in law the local planning rules for the next 10 years. These rules have been arrived at after consultations with residents over the last 5 years (2 years were taken up with the pandemic). The neighbourhood plan steering group was made up of residents from the three parishes, not just parish councillors, so it’s a plan which comes out of local views. 

The referendum will ask a single question:

‘Do you want Shropshire Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan for Adderley,

Moreton Say and Norton in Hales to help it decide planning applications in the

neighbourhood area?’

You will be asked to answer YES or NO it’s as simple as that. 

We hope that as many people as possible will turn out on the 25th and vote on this important issue.


You can see the Regulation 14 submission (the final version of the plan pre inspection) by clicking the link below:

You can view the inspectors report on the Regulation 14 submission by clicking on the link below:

Other Documents relating to the Neighbourhood Plan can be found here:

3PNP Documents Link

Adderley in Bloom!

A number of people from the village, and those driving through the village, have commented on how wonderful the flower tubs in Adderley look. We have to agree, they really do cheer everyone up

So here is a big shout out to all the people who give up their time each year to empty, fill and, most importantly water, these pots for all to enjoy. Most of all Thankyou to Lesley Norman and Barbara Slack for all their hardwork in coordinating the teams on each street and ordering the flowers and compost which are kindly supplied courtesy of funding from our parish council

Barry’s wonderful gift to the village lives on and we hope he is enjoying seeing this every day too.


Adderley School ‘Outstanding’ Ofsted results 2024

The recent Ofsted inspection on 11th and 12th June has given the school ‘outstanding’.

The summary of the report is below, for more information see the link to the school’s web site.

Pupils flourish at this inclusive and nurturing school. Staff have created a caring and supportive environment where everyone is respected. Relationships between staff and pupils are highly positive.

Staff are united in their ambition for every pupil to achieve their full potential. Pupils make strong progress as a result of the well-planned curriculum and high-quality, personalised teaching. Pupils remember what they have been taught in past years and talk about current learning with enthusiasm and interest.

Pupils’ behaviour and attitudes are excellent. They are respectful, well mannered and polite. Pupils enjoy their learning and are proud of their school. They know that adults listen to their concerns and help them. There is a strong sense of belonging and togetherness. This is demonstrated in the genuine care pupils show towards each other.

Pupils take part in a range of inclusive extra-curricular activities, including fencing, archery and ultimate frisbee. They are enthusiastic to take on jobs that require them to help others, such as play leaders. Parents are very positive about the school and value the school’s proactive approach in supporting every pupil to be the best that they can be.

Link to the full report on Adderley School web site.

Adderley School
Adderley School

Coffee Anyone?

Well the weather forecast isn’t brilliant for tomorrow, but the coffee and cake will be good down at the village hall so why not pop down for half an hour?  10.30 – 12.00 in the village hall. 

If you know anyone new in the village who may welcome the chance to meet a few people perhaps you could invite the to come along too?  Its nice to come with someone you know. Also if you know someone who doesn’t really use the internet, perhaps you could check if they have remembered.  We nearly forgot ourselves as the month seems to have flown. 


Coffee Morning Header

Referendum Notification

Thursday 25th July, a date for the diary. We’re finally through to the referendum stage of the Neighbourhood Plan. It’s taken a long time, we even negotiated a pandemic! Many thanks to the volunteers who steered the process and did the work. A big thank you to everybody who filled in questionnaires and gave much valued feedback. The planning inspectorate is happy and Shropshire Council has given its blessing, we’re having a referendum. Watch this space for more information but for now please see the official notification below.

Coffee Morning time again!

Yes, we know its hard to believe, where did June go?   This Saturday 29th June we have our monthly coffee morning in the village hall.  Please come along if you can, we have it on good authority that there may be some rather nice cakes this month, so well worth a trip, and of course coffee and conversation.  What’s not to like?

Renewing acquaintances

D Day at Adderley Village Hall – 8 June 2024

Saturday the 8th June was D Day at Adderley Village Hall. There was a superb transformation of the hall and all credit to Phil & Carol Gadd and Ben Wrathall.

We entered through war time posters and heritage boards showing Adderley at war, the Home Guard and the prisoners of war at Adderley Hall working on the farms.

Through from the bar into the main room via a camouflaged net tunnel an impressive sight greeted us with the 13 flags of all the D Day participating countries hanging from the walls and the illuminated “Lest we Forget Soldiers”.

D Day 8 June

Flags, poppies and mess tins were on the tables. The stage was set with TV screens showing a rolling sequence of the beaches and the landings.

Andrew Swindale gave a short talk on D Day and its vital role in liberating Western Europe and the role of The Kings Shropshire Light Infantry and their part in taking the German surrender from Grand Admiral Dönitz on the 7th of May 1945.

Music was provided by the excellent Terry and his TJQ band of keyboard, saxophonist and Jan singing all the old songs plus some pre-war jazz.

D Day 8 June

Food was provided by a team from “Master Chef” with recipes from the ration book and consisted of hot pot and bread and butter followed by a delicious array of appropriate puds:  bread and butter pudding, trifle, pineapple upside down cake, apple pie, fruit salad and poor man’s pudding.

Thanks to Paul and Val Nash for providing the Heritage Boards for the D Day event.

D day heritage boards

The bar was selling well and there had to be an emergency resupply of Guinness which entailed Phil travelling to rear entrance at Morrisons.

Thank you to all who helped to make this D Day evening so entertaining and memorable.


Burglary – be aware

West Mercia Police
West Mercia Police

The police are aware that there has been an increase in residential burglaries in Shropshire and are working hard to try and prevent them.

We are asking for resident’s help by making yourself aware of the following vehicles and to report them immediately if they are seen acting suspiciously in your area.

(NOTE: the images are stock images so are not the exact vehicles)

A blue Volkswagen Golf R estate with distinctive silver wing mirrors and silver roof bars


A green Toyota Landcruiser Amazon GX estate 


If you see either vehicle acting suspiciously in your area call 999 immediately and email with any footage of the vehicles.

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