Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Weekend in Adderley

As you know the Queen’s Jubilee weekend has been confirmed for Thursday 2nd June to Sunday 5th June, with celebrations happening all over the country.  Adderley will be no exception and already we have a number of special events lined up for you to enjoy.  

Friday 3rd June, BIG Breakfast – the Nice Place to Be Team are hosting a Big Breakfast in the Village Hall.  The perfect way to start the day when you are on holiday.  For a small charge to cover costs there will be a Full English, (with veggie/vegan options) and we hope you will amble down to join us and let us give you a real treat!   To be honest, we will leave the doors open so that the smell of bacon and sausages will drift across the village and your feet will bring you along!  We will need you to book though, (the thought of telling someone we have run out is more than we can bearBooking details to follow so watch this space!

A Free Fruit Tree! –  We are rather excited to be able to tell you that we are hoping to offer a limited number of fruit trees free to anyone who lives in the Parish of Adderley in support of the Queen’s Green Canopy campaign .   The trees will be distributed at The BIG BREAKFAST on Friday 3rd June.  So have a think, can you find a place for a fruit tree in your garden? We will be asking for numbers closer to the date; first come, first served

Saturday 4th June – There will be a Party on the Green at 4.00pm , with details to be confirmed by the Village Hall.  We are promised entertainment, Crazy Bowls, a bar,  a barbecue and a Bring and Share desserts table.  Tables and chairs to be provided and we will either be in the hall or out in the sunshine, depending on our glorious British weather.

Other Events:  It would be great to have an idea of anything else going on over the weekend.  Are you having a Street Party for example?   Let us advertise it on the website.  If you have any ideas for other events please let us know via Webmaster@adderleyparish.co.uk – we are always up for more people putting forward suggestions and eager to help if we can!  

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