Can you help?

Are you interested in the history of our community?  Will you have a little bit of time in these long winter evenings in your armchair when you might be twiddling your thumbs and itching to do something bit more interesting than watching Soaps?  

Well, if that sounds like you read on………..

As you know we have been gifted the most amazing collection of historical documents about our village by Geoff Butter.   We have got Lottery Funding to preserve this and have finished building the Heritage website which you can view here.   

We’ve had all the images digitised and we have thousands of them to add to the website – there are a small number up already but lots more to come.   

We need your help to ‘catalogue’ them so that when they go onto the website anyone searching can find what they are looking for.   It’s a fairly simple job to do and we are giving people training in this so that they feel confident to do this in their own home when it’s convenient to them.    So if you use a computer already, a PC, laptop or Chromebook, and can spare a couple of hours to come to the village hall to be shown what we need it would be great to see you.

First session is set up for Friday 20th October 10.30-12.30 am at the village hall, but there will be others arranged if this is not convenient.  Come along with a laptop or Chromebook but if you don’t have a portable one come anyway but let us know beforehand so that we can organise something for you.  

There is one warning though – once you start looking at this material, you very quickly get hooked and forget what you are supposed to be doing as its so fascinating looking at how our community has changed and its rich history!    

If you would like more info before committing speak to Val or Paul Nash  07814 071 254 who will be happy to explain it a little more.

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