Residents should have received their poll cards in the post this week for the referendum on the neighbourhood plan. July 25th at the Village Hall. The referendum will also take place in Norton In Hales and Moreton Say.

It’s important that you turn out and vote because the neighbourhood plan is an important document for all three communities as it sets out in law the local planning rules for the next 10 years. These rules have been arrived at after consultations with residents over the last 5 years (2 years were taken up with the pandemic). The neighbourhood plan steering group was made up of residents from the three parishes, not just parish councillors, so it’s a plan which comes out of local views. 

The referendum will ask a single question:

‘Do you want Shropshire Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan for Adderley,

Moreton Say and Norton in Hales to help it decide planning applications in the

neighbourhood area?’

You will be asked to answer YES or NO it’s as simple as that. 

We hope that as many people as possible will turn out on the 25th and vote on this important issue.


You can see the Regulation 14 submission (the final version of the plan pre inspection) by clicking the link below:

You can view the inspectors report on the Regulation 14 submission by clicking on the link below:

Other Documents relating to the Neighbourhood Plan can be found here:

3PNP Documents Link

Annual Village Meeting – 10th April

Village Hal

One year on! If you’ve been before you will know that this annual event is where to get an update on the activities of the Parish Council. You can hear about the Heritage Project and the Neighbourhood Plan. There is also a chance to ask questions of your Parish Councillors. Tea and Biscuits provided.

You can download a poster by clicking the link below:

Annual Parish Meeting

Village Hal

The Annual Parish Meeting will take place at Adderley Village Hall


Tuesday 11th April 2023 starting at 1930 hrs.

Village groups and the Parish Council will present a number of topics of interest and give updates on on-going projects.

Tea/Coffee will be provided.

The Parish Council hope you will be able to attend.

Village Defibrilator

Image of Adderley Village hall

The Village Defibrillator (based on the outside wall of the Village Hall facing the bowling club) was again used last week (successfully we are pleased to report).

But a few reminders to all.

If needed please call 999 and ask for “Ambulance”, give the call handler the Cabinet number (it is on the cabinet front), they will give you the code to open the cabinet.

Remove the Defib and deploy. Once switched on it will give you full instructions by sound as how to use it.

Once used and you are ready, please inform myself or any Parish Councillor (Contact details are on the Village Hall outdoors notice board) that you have deployed the defib and they will arrange to collect it and we will then replace the parts needed and put back in the cabinet ready for reuse.

This is a Village facility looked after the Parish Council and as such there is NO cost to the user and we ask people not to fear using it.

I have been asked if we can run another Defib/CPR course, and this is being organised at present and more info will be sent out when confirmed.

Any questions, people should contact Cllr Marius Coulon.

Regulation 14 Response Form

Picture of envelopes for Neighbourhood Plan

It sounds horribly formal but it’s not. We’re finally approaching the end of the Neighbourhood Plan process and the aforementioned Regulation 14 is the very last chance to make changes.

We’ve made a shortened version of the main document with all of the new planning rules set out. There are only 12 of them. A copy of the short version has gone to every house in Adderley Parish and we’re asking you to comment on any of the new proposed planning rules that you feel are important to you. That might be one or two of them or all of them but it’s very important that you do comment. If you want to read the full version of the Regulation 14 Neighbourhood Plan there are copies in the book shelter in Rectory Lane or you can download a copy from here: 

You can comment on the enclosed form and put it in the postbox at the book shelter in Rectory Lane or you can post it at the Village Hall. Alternatively you can comment on line using the form that can be found here: 

You have until January 9th to make your comments. If you want to have a look at the full Neighbourhood Plan then we have left copies at the book shelter on Rectory Lane.

Annual Parish Meeting

You are cordially invited to the Annual Parish Meeting to be held by your Parish Council on 13th April 2022 at Adderley Village Hall starting at 7.30pm.

The Annual Parish Meeting sounds rather formal BUT it’s an opportunity to hear about activities promoted by the Parish Council and to have your say on matters that interest you. There’s an opportunity to meet other parishioners and to relax over a cup of tea or coffee.

There’s a lot going on in Adderley.

Topics to be covered are:
Chairman’s Welcome and opening remarks Cllr Marius Coulon
Minutes of last meeting (21st April 2021)Jane Evans – Clerk
Matter arising from meeting Jane Evans – Clerk
Unitary Cllrs reportCllr Paul Wynne – Shropshire Unitary Councillor
Update on Speed awareness and the A529Cllr Iain Wilson
Update on The Three Parishes PlanCllr Paul Nash
Neighbourhood Watch UpdateCllr Nick Evans
The Heritage Project CllrPaul Nash
Jubilee CelebrationsCllr Louise Downley
Children’s playground reportCllr Paul Shepley
The new recycling bin (have you booked yours)Cllr  Marius coulon
Annual Parish Meeting Agenda

Come and hear about what’s happening in Adderley Parish and take the opportunity to have your say. Tea and coffee available from 7:00  pm

You can download the flyer below.

Traffic Calming And Street Lights – Make Your Views Known

Following a presentation by WSP’s Road Engineer for Shropshire Council at the Parish Meeting the Parish Council has been asked to gauge the resident’s opinion of the possible installation of physical traffic calming measures within the Village of Adderley. Positioned along the A529, between the School and the Church. Please see a copy of the presentation for information given below.

Adderley Parish Council invites you to give your opinion.  This project is being considered to be part of the current ongoing safety upgrade work being completed on the A529 from Hinstock to Audlem. 

For traffic calming to be installed it would require a system of street lighting along the A529 within the Village boundary. The purpose of this question is to establish a general feeling from the Parish regarding the installation of speed calming and street lighting.  

If this project was to be progressed, Shropshire Council would give a detailed scheme and plan with a formal consultation to follow. This is not a referendum and is not to be seen as such.

This question is available to be completed online This survey is now closed