The Village Defibrillator (based on the outside wall of the Village Hall facing the bowling club) was again used last week (successfully we are pleased to report).
But a few reminders to all.
If needed please call 999 and ask for “Ambulance”, give the call handler the Cabinet number (it is on the cabinet front), they will give you the code to open the cabinet.
Remove the Defib and deploy. Once switched on it will give you full instructions by sound as how to use it.
Once used and you are ready, please inform myself or any Parish Councillor (Contact details are on the Village Hall outdoors notice board) that you have deployed the defib and they will arrange to collect it and we will then replace the parts needed and put back in the cabinet ready for reuse.
This is a Village facility looked after the Parish Council and as such there is NO cost to the user and we ask people not to fear using it.
I have been asked if we can run another Defib/CPR course, and this is being organised at present and more info will be sent out when confirmed.
Any questions, people should contact Cllr Marius Coulon.
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