Well, what a lovely morning was had by all yesterday at the monthly coffee morning. We had 27 people turn out to enjoy it. Our chief cooks and bottle washers Maria, Emma and Beth did us proud with a lovely selection of cakes and Chris and Hilary brought and arranged some lovely jars of flowers to bring a bit of Spring into the room. Beth only moved into the village in November so it was lovely that she offered to help out and to meet and talk to her partner John.
But best of all, was the people and the conversations and general buzz around the room. Sometimes its just nice to get out and have a chat, and the last Saturday of every month is the place to do it in Adderley. We took £60.45 which was marvellous. This money goes into the Community Fund Bank account and people from the village will decide how it is used to provide for the community.
Come and join us for the February one, Sat 25th Feb, 10.30 – 12 and lush cakes, coffee and good conversation along with a warm welcome are all guaranteed.
If you would like to get more involved in supporting or attending community events why not ask us to add your name to the Community Whats App Group we have set up for Nice Place to Be volunteers? We currently have 30 people who share info about events, ask for help with events or contribute/volunteer their time to support on the app. You would be very welcome.