Yes, its me! Peter ……..
Thought I’d let you know that the Easter Bunny has been in touch. He and his friends have LOADS of eggs left over from their deliveries and wanted to know if we want some for Adderley for a Treasure Hunt? Well, I thought that was a rather silly question ‘cos of course WE DO!!
So I’ll get my thinking cap on and do a trail for you. It will all be ready to go from first thing on Good Friday morning and will last until Easter Monday evening – so up early folks. You know the saying – “The early bird catches the worm” (or in this case the easter egg :-))
The Trail will be around the village, so children, get Mum and Dad or another responsible adult to agree what time you are going out, and then pop down to the Book Shelter to pick up a copy of the Trail Clues, or download a copy here from Friday morning, and take a bag with you just in case you find the odd egg around.
And don’t forget, the Trail is for everyone so only take one egg per child from each place, so that there are plenty to go around The Easter Bunny will be watching so be kind and share.
We will put the Trail on line on Friday morning 6.00am so just visit the Adderleyparish.co.uk website News page to find the link, then anyone with a phone can download a copy to save paper. We will put a few paper copies in the Book Shelter for anyone who can’t easily print them off.
(Note to Adults – please ensure your children are supervised on the Trail)