Shropshire Council’s BIG Conversation

At last night’s Parish Council meeting Shropshire Councillor Paul Wynn reported that Shropshire Council are facing unprecedented cuts in funding and are keen to engage the public in a dialogue about how they might proceed.

In order to do this they have launched The Big Conversation; a wide ranging consultation with Shropshire residents looking at the options for dealing with the funding cuts. There are a number of ways in which you can participate in the consultation:

  • follow us: @shropcouncil #Shropbc
  • call:0345 678 9077 (weekdays from 9am to 5pm)

The document link below will explain the scale of the cuts facing all of us in the next five years, not one of us will be unaffected by these cuts in some way or other so Cllr Wynn urges as many people as possible to take part.

Click to find out more: Big Conversation

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