At some point in the next week every household in Adderley Parish will be receiving a letter from the Three Parishes Neighbourhood Plan. Please read and respond its contents are very important.

The letter will explain what we are trying to achieve with the Neighbourhood Plan and it will ask you to complete a questionnaire. We understand that it’s a long questionnaire, there are 56 questions, but these questions cover what you want Adderley to become in the intervening years until 2036. Your views and the views of your family will inform the Neighbourhood Plan alongside evidence from the presentations that we have done plus all of the statistical evidence together with the views of everybody from the Canals and Waterways Trust, Historic England and Shropshire Council to Land Agents. Your views are particularly important.
You will have until the end of October to complete the form and there is a pre paid envelope for you to return it to The Shropshire Rural Community Charity who are undertaking the analysis for us. Alternatively you can complete the form online and the web link to enable you to do this will be posted on the website in the next couple of days.
As an incentive you have the option of being included in a draw to win a £100 shopping voucher. there will be one voucher for each of the parishes so you’re in with a chance.
The Neighbourhood Plan, when it is adopted, carries the force of law in planning matters and so it is vital that as many people in the parish complete the questionnaire. Look out for the letter, it’s clearly marked and it should be dropping through letterboxes soon.
The survey is completely anonymous. Any personal details you provide for the draw will be separated out and any information you provide will be only kept for the duration of the survey and draw then it will be destroyed.