The Audlem website has posted an update on the works planned for the A529 from the Cheshire end starting at Audlem. The update is provided by Cllr Rachel Bailey.
“… I am pleased to report that finally investment of the Government Safer Roads monies will commence. However, in spite of continued lobbying, The Old Railway Bridge at Swanbach, is only ear marked for further investigative works.
A road closure has been booked for 5th-11th May.
During this time the culvert at Greys Bridge will be cleared, and further drainage investigation work will take place by the old railway bridge.
This may lead to a future programmed repair once the extent of the issues have been identified.
The Cheshire East element of the DfT Safer Roads funded scheme will also commence during this road closure.Originally all works were delayed until the infamous Adderley Lights issue was resolved; I will update you once I know if these works signal progress on that matter as well!”
Rachel Bailey
Audlem CE Councillor
Click Here for the full report