Adderley Village Annual Photography Competition

Last year the Photography competition attracted over 25 amazing entries and we were able to make a village calendar for 2016. This year we are hoping to increase the number of entries. So it’s time to get out your mobile phones, your bridge cameras and that DSLR you had for your birthday and get snapping.

  1. Closing date for entries is 15th October 2016.
  2. The subject is “Village Life”
  3. Entries must be 8 x 10 prints, colour or black and white, not including the mount
  4. There is a 50p entry fee for each print
  5. The winning entry will have pride of place on the front of the 2017 village calendar and 12 others will be included for each of the months of the year.
  6. Be mindful of young people when taking your pictures.

During the year we will be posting hints and tips to help you on your way but in the mean time best of luck and happy snapping.

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