The Parish Council has received a Planning Application.
The Council was not due to meet until after the closing date for comments so there is an additional meeting on
Friday 27th May at Adderley Village Hall 6:00.
Click here for the agenda: Planning Meeting 27th May 2016
Details of the planning application are given below. Members of the public are invited to attend.
New Planning Applications published on 04/05/2016 relating to parish of: Adderley
Reference: 16/01821/FUL (validated: 03/05/2016)
Address: Land Adj Adderley Road, Spoonley, Market Drayton, Shropshire
Proposal: Erection of two agricultural buildings, feed bins and hardstanding for pig rearing enterprise to include new highway access
Applicant: Mr L Gilbert (3 Christchurch Lane, Market Drayton, Shropshire, TF9 1DY)
View online at:
Reference: 16/01822/OUT (validated: 03/05/2016)
Address: Land Adj Adderley Road, Spoonley, Market Drayton, Shropshire
Proposal: Outline planning permission for an Agricultural Workers Dwelling
Applicant: Mr L Gilbert (3 Christchurch Lane, Market Drayton, Shropshire, TF9 1DY)
View online at: