All Change On The Parish Council

In May 2025 we will be holding our elections for Parish Councillors for Adderley Parish Council.

A number of our present Councillors, have expressed a desire to stand down and as such we will be looking for replacements.

The commitment for a Councillor is around 6 meetings a year at the Village Hall and perhaps a few extra elsewhere if you agree to sit on an external Committee that we are obliged to support.

We will also have a need for a “Web Master” to run the Parish Council website (, they do not need to be a Councillor but be prepared to work with them.

If you are interested in becoming a Councillor or the web master, please be kind enough to register with the Parish Clerk (Jane Evans) at

If you have any questions with regard to becoming a Councillor or the web master, do please contact any of the present Councillors or the Clerk who would be delighted to discuss the matter.

Alternatively come along and sit in on one of our meetings and watch business being undertaken. Dates of our meetings are on the web site.

If you are interested in helping to improve your Parish then this is the opportunity.

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