That was the verdict of a number of people who popped into the Coffee Morning yesterday in the village hall. People said they felt very welcome and loved chatting and meeting new people or catching up with old friends. One lady said she had met so many people the last time she came that she thought she would try and keep count this time of how many she talked to and completely forgot because she was so busy chatting to so many people.
That’s what we like to hear and of course some lovely cakes cooked by different people each time. I think we have to declare the Coconut Macaroons naughtiest this week but the Parkin, Lemon Muffins Fruit Loaf and Oatcake biscuits were equally delicious (not that we tried them all of course!) Thank you to the lovely volunteers who baked and took a turn in the kitchen this month and we look forward to seeing everyone again the last Saturday in September 10.30am Do you have a neighbour who may not like to come alone? Why not offer to bring them along. Its hard to walk in if you are on your own.
If you would like to offer a cake or an hour of your time to help any time we would absolutely love to welcome you to the team. The more the merrier.