Our Claire is on the radio toooooooo-night!
It’s Adderley on air!
Oh yes! Our local Hula Hoop hero has been invited to appear on Red Shift Radio between 8:00 and 9:00 tonight Monday 5th Feb – yup! Tonight. The programme is called The Good Life presented by Caz Aspinall and Sally Oakes.
You can tune in on line at: www.redshiftonline.org
You can get the Tunein app http://tunein.com
Or if you’re really with it you can ask your Smart Speaker to “play RedShift Radio” (You couldn’t do that when I was a young ‘un!) In fact when I was a young ‘un we’d still be waiting for the valves to warm up!
You can interact! using their Facebook page, Twitter stream, by text or email during the show.