Market Drayton Survey

Market Drayton Town Council has appointed The Retail Group to undertake a study with the objectives of – identifying the health of Market Drayton Town Centre, identify the issues and future opportunities available and ways to support and improve the town centre for the benefit of residents, visitors and the businesses that operate in it.

As a key nominated local stakeholder, we are keen to include your views, opinions and improvement aspirations as an input into the study.

We would be very grateful if you could take a few minutes to complete the attached survey and return it direct to me, by next Monday 26 February.

You can choose from three options for completing it …

  * Complete and return it electronically (using Outlook on a PC is best). The tick box options are ‘clickable’. Or,

* If it’s easier / quicker, please print it, hand write your responses and then send a scan of completed document back to me. Or,

* Print it, hand write your responses and then take a photo of both pages of your completed survey with your phone, and then text or

WhatsApp the image(s) back to me on my mobile number below.

We look forward to receiving your responses, all of which will be treated as totally confidential.

Don’t hesitate to email or call if you have any further queries.

With best regards in the meantime.


MIKE EVANS | Director

THE RETAIL GROUP | Dunnings Oak Offices | Dunnings Road | East Grinstead

| RH19 4AT

E: | T: +44 (0) 7753 824041 | W:

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