Nice Place To Be Annual Review

The annual review of the first year of Nice Place To Be was held in the village hall on Sunday 16th April.  Members of the community came along to hear from the group what they had been up to during the year and to participate in a discussion about what sort of activities they would like in their community going forward.

The report can be viewed here but Val Nash, Chair of NPTB  emphasised to the meeting that while Nice Place to Be was formalised as an unincorporated association to enable the Heritage Lottery application,  its primary role is to be there for everyone in the community  and it is very much about providing a voice for everyone who wants to get involved and help to make our village the sort of community space that works for them.

Details of the Coronation weekend and the sort of event people want were discussed and the overwhelming view was to hold the Big Breakfast on the Sunday morning as planned and perhaps attach to that some Coronation themed activity for the children that can happen straight after the Breakfast.   People felt that one event was probably best as the focus for community activity rather than having two events which might dilute attendance at both.  

More details to follow …..

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