Wow! What an amazing village we live in, you have all been so generous in buying tickets or simply making donations for Hope House through our Quizmas Quiz. We are very close to raising £300 for Hope House which is as much as we raise when we carol sing! Its lovely to think that we will be able to maintain our donation to this amazing facility that helps so many families in North Shropshire.
If you would like to take part tonight, or just buy a ticket to support us as a donation just follow this link and you will be able to support us. You can just join us to watch tonight, as soon as you pay into the bank details we send you we will send a Zoom link to you and you can watch or take part. It would be lovely to see you later. 7.15 pm for 7.30 start with our celebrity hosts in Cyprus, Stu and Chelsey, taking us through the questions. Hope to see you later!