Ready To Have Your Say?

Ever since late last year we’ve been talking about the Neighbourhood Plan which we’re doing with Norton-In-Hales and Moreton Say. Things are moving on quickly: We have a working steering group, we’ve secured funding from “Locality”, we have appointed consultants to help us out and our designated area has been approved by Shropshire Council.

When we held the last Village Meeting we asked everybody a few questions. Did you have your say? If not, now’s your chance. We will be at the next Coffee Morning on February 22nd. We will hold two meetings in the Village Hall on Wednesday 13th March: one at 2:00 in the afternoon and one at 8:00 pm on the same day. There’s tea, coffee and biscuits available and at night the bar will be open.

We will tell you what’s going on and we will bring you up to date with anything you need to know about the Neighbourhood Plan but we really want to hear from you. If you didn’t get chance to answer the questions last time there’s another opportunity at the up and coming meetings. We need your thoughts to inform the Parish Survey which will be coming your way in the summer so it’s really important for you to tell us what you think.

Want to answer on line? There’s a link here: Neighbourhood Plan Open Questions

There’s lots of information on the Three Parish Plan website.

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