This week the Village Hall hosted the parish councils Parish Meeting for 2022. Which saw presentations from members of the Parish Council updating parishioners on activities and projects the Parish Council have been involved with over the last twelve months.
During the meeting a presentation was delivered by Cllr Iain Wilson who forms part of the Parish Council Speed Concerns sub committee. One of the responsibilities for this group is the management of the Speed Radar that is located within the Village at one of four authorised locations. The Parish Council purchased the Radar four years ago and has been used as a mechanism to slow traffic within the village and at the same time recording data for analysis that is submitted to Shropshire Highways. It has proved to have worked with good effect and also been used to support concerns regarding traffic speeds.
The presentation included some of the latest data recorded, Cllr Wilson explained what this data represented and also demonstrated how it is used by Shropshire Council for analysis. See attached data sheet.
Cllr Wilson also updated the meeting on the latest information regarding the A529 dfT Road Safety Fund project including the consultation proposals for Speed Pads and Street lights within the village.
In addition, there was an update on the temporary traffic lights situated at the crash site between Adderley and Audlem. Since the meeting there has been a further update which has been sent from Shropshire Council.
“An options report was recently assessed by Senior Managers in respect of the crash site and a potential preferred option has been identified. Officers are due to meet during the week commencing 25th April to identify the resource requirements, the steps that need to be taken and a timeframe for completion.
Unfortunately, it is not possible to release any details of the proposed options at this stage and information release will be very much governed by the Legal advice provided. However, please rest assured that the team have Senior Management approval to proceed in bringing the matter to a conclusion and we will endeavour to do so as quickly as possible.
As soon as we are able to provide detailed information, we will be happy to do so but that will depend on any agreement reached with a number of parties.”
If you have any comments or suggestions, they can be forwarded to the Parish Council at