We’re Moving!

Adderleyparish is moving! For the last 10 years the parish website has been hosted by a wonderful organisation called 34SP.com. They’re based in Manchester and they have an excellent support desk which has looked after us. However, for historical reasons the actual domain, adderleyparish.co.uk has been hosted by 123-Reg. While 123-Reg have been very good it has meant that billing has been a little more complicated. 

Sooooo we’re moving our domain from 123-Reg to 34SP.com. As there are going to be a few organisational changes over the next few months which means different people doing different things behind the scenes then this simplification will make life easier by bringing everything under one hosting company.

Why are we telling you this? Well if all goes to plan then you shouldn’t notice any difference and you will be able to access our news and information plus receive notifications for those of you who subscribe to updates just as before. The transfer process takes 5 – 7 days so if you notice things aren’t working as they should by all means let us know but hopefully in a week’s time we will have successfully completed the changes.

Fingers crossed.

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