What’s Going On At the Gingerbread Island?

We have received the following information regarding the extensive roadworks at the Gingerbread Island

  * The objective of the A529 Safer Road Fund scheme is to implement safety countermeasures as highlighted by the DfT Safer Roads Fund process and to incorporate other measures to achieve ongoing economic and asset management benefits along the route from the A41 at Hinstock in the south to the A525 to Audlem in the north.

* Package E is located at the A529/A53 roundabout, locally known as the Gingerbread Man roundabout, on the northern outskirts of Market Drayton. It is a busy 5 arm roundabout and significant for local and commuter traffic. The A53 forms the Market Drayton by-pass and is a Primary Route. The roundabout serves as access to the livestock market, Burnside Business Park, Western Way businesses and The Gingerbread Man public house.

* There are numerous residences along Adderley Road to the south, the small housing estate Milton Drive, and four dwellings within 500m to the north towards Adderley.

The following work is being carried out:

* Vegetation cutting back/clearance at signing and lighting column locations;

* Change of speed limit terminal signs;

* Construction of pedestrian footway around the south-eastern verge to connect Adderley Road with the Footway constructed by Aldi on the A53 east. A permeable footway product is required as tree roots are very close to the surface in places. There are no accesses affected by the footway works;

* Kerbing to facilitate the new footway by changing kerb type on existing lines;

* Maintenance/upgrade of footway around the perimeter of the roundabout;

* Uncontrolled/dropped pedestrian crossing points;

* Signing upgrade – remove existing and erect new regulatory signs and posts, disconnecting and reconnecting electricity supply as required;

* Carriageway markings to be renewed over patching in front of renewed kerbs;

* Replacement of lighting columns for passively safe products and replacement of lanterns to LED;

* Traffic Management. The Principal Contactor to propose traffic management method to facilitate safe working.

* Non-motorised users including pedestrians are to be managed by the contractor during the works.

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