There were proposals to make changes to the A529 through Adderley Village in order to address the concerns about speeding traffic and safety particularly in the area of Adderley School. We have received an update from Shropshire Council.
Shropshire Highways have advised the Parish Council that:
• In line with the Shropshire Council initiative, the speed limit by Adderley School would be reducing to 20 mph and some street lighting would be installed in this area.
• There would be no further street lighting installed along the A529 through the village as the cost was prohibitive.
• As speed calming measures like speed bumps or chicanes required street lighting these were no longer being considered.
• In light of the above, no further consultation would be undertaken regarding these street calming measures.
As vehicles speeding through the village is still a concern to the Parish Council and residents, the Clerk will now be liaising with both Shropshire Highways and WSP to see if there were any traffic calming measures that could be introduce which did not require street lights.