You only have to drive through Adderley to know that some very special people live here and make this a great place to be. In the summer we all feel better when we see Barry’s beautiful flower pots planted and watered (with a little help from friends and neighbours) but at this time of year, the village is ‘wonderful’ on steroids!
Barry and his team of “apprentices” transform the planters to include Christmas lights, and they don’t limit themselves to the plants and bushes. Stand still long enough and you may find yourself wrapped in some cheerful Christmas flashing lights like the road signs! All our lovely residents go to town putting up lights inside and outside their homes to cheer us all up too.
Thanks to a generous donation for materials from the Parish Council, the work and time of the very skilled volunteer Derek in making the shelves, and the dedicated ongoing organisation and help of Barbara & Lesley ensures the Book Shelter/ Bus Shelter Community Library looks amazing and is there for all to enjoy on a give and share basis. Its current Christmas theme and good wishes add to the feel good factor. (see pictures below)
But it doesn’t stop there! We now have a wonderful nativity scene in the bus shelter near Station Road thanks to Christine Shaw’s creative talents. If you haven’t seen it yet pop down and admire. (see picture below)
The Christmas Tree on the Green and the lights around the village are supported by the Parish Council but erected by Iain and his team of helpers. Ken, Ben, Derek and Barry. Santa’s visit and the event in the hall are supported by too many volunteers to name, but you know who you are and thank you!
A concert in St Peter’s on Wednesday evening raised nearly £400 of much needed funds for the Church and was enjoyed by many people from the village.
Still to come is the Carol Singing around the village, the Christingle Service and Carol Service (see the calendar for details of where and when and how to participate)
Thank you to everyone for doing their bit. You are some very special people.