Trees for Captain Tom

We’ve had a post from Michelle Corner who would like Adderley to join in with remembering Captain Tom whose funeral is on Saturday 27th February. 

Captain Sir Tom Moore:

It was such sad news we received a couple of weeks ago about the passing of a truly great inspirational man; Captain Sir Tom Moore.

I read in the news yesterday about his funeral which is planned for this coming Saturday.  Reading on, his daughters had commented that Captain Tom had wondered whether the events in the last year of his life would lead to the requirement for more Victoria sponge cakes for his funeral wake!  Sadly, that is not to be as we all know that restrictions and keeping each other safe is still part of our everyday life, and as much as many of us I am sure would love to be there to give him the send off he truly deserves, we are simply not allowed!  

Therefore, I wondered if you would all like to contribute somehow to acknowledging the passing of Captain Sir Tom on Saturday 27th Feb?  I wondered whether we could simply hang out our Union Jacks, or bunting for the day.  Make a Victoria Sponge cake and dedicate it to Tom, or even (if allowed) we could plant a tree in the village, (maybe a Christmas tree) and dedicate this to him, giving him a salute every Christmas the village get around it to turn on the lights and sing carols together.

Just a thought!  

So what do you think? Let us know by clicking the radio button below.

We think remembering Captain Tom is a great idea.

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